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Fireside Diver

Fireside Diver

Product Description

Many of the worlds best known divers share their experiences in this collection of stories of memorable underwater adventures. Encounters with whales, sharks, and giant squid dives to the USS Monitor and into sunken mine shafts and unusual situations of all kinds serves as settings for these entertaining tales, where the unexpected is common. Contributors: Dick Anderson, Bonnie Cardone, Ellis Cross, Richard Ellis, Rod Farb, Stephen Frink, Howard Hall, Eric Hanauer, Hillary Hauser, Jack McKenney, Chris Newbert, Carl Roessler, Marty Snyderman, Bob Talbot and Stan Waterman.
Rate Points :4.0
Binding :Paperback
Label :Aqua Quest Publications, Inc.
Manufacturer :Aqua Quest Publications, Inc.
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Aqua Quest Publications, Inc.
Publisher :Aqua Quest Publications, Inc.
EAN :9781881652090
Price :$16.95USD
Lowest Price :$2.00USD
Customer Reviewsphotographers often make bad writers...
Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :10
A lot of the stories in this book are written by photographers...and a lot of the sories would start as ..when I was on a shoot for Deep Undermagazine I saw ... They might be good photgraphers - which by the way is hard to judge as all pictures in this book are bad and small black and white pix - but the writing is definitely sub-standard. Also, I get very suspicious when the editor includes stories of her own,and, adding insult to injury, one that isnt about diving at all! i gave it one star because there are two ot three pieces wich were very interesting : the story, written by a navy officer - about a deepdive rescue operation in 1939. A definite no-buy.
Great book for the diver and non-diver alike.
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :12
A collection of true, short stories related to the world of scuba diving from the best of the best. The stories told here make divers want to put on their gear and go diving. The same stories inspire non-divers to learn the sport. An easy read, this is a good companion book to take along on the subway or plane when reading time is limited, or as the title suggests, to curl up with in front of a fire on dreary winters night.

As the editor of DivesafeandOften.com, I see many scuba related books come across my desk however, this is one of the more outstanding. It is not an instructional book but rather a look at the magical underwater world and the creatures who dwell therein which are accessible only to scuba divers.

Great collection of diving related short stories!
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :6
If you enjoy scuba diving and the excitement, pleasure and special moments connected with the sport then this is a must read. Many of the true greats of diving share some of their best moments and experiances. The kind of book that you can pick up, read a story or two and be proud that you to are part of the diving world.
Interesting collection of stories
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :6
Lots of interesting stories, but a few were decidedly not diving related and somewhat out of place. (In particular, a story about gold mining.)
A great book that would turn anyone onto diving!
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :8
The stories in this book are not just amazing, but are interesting and funny. As a dive instructor, I have used some of the stories as tools in my rescue and divemaster classes. I would love to have a dive experience that would measure up to these experiences of the writers and their families.
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