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Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide To Achieving Normal Blood Sugars

Dr. Bernsteins Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars

Product Description

The standard text on living with diabetes, newly revised and updated with all the latest scientific findings.

Since its first publication in 1997, DR. BERNSTEINS DIABETES SOLUTION has become the treatment of choice in the medical field. In this revised and updated edition of his work, Dr. Bernstein provides an accessible, detailed guide to his revolutionary approach to normalizing blood sugars and thereby preventing or reversing long-term complications of diabetes. He offers the most up-to-date information on new products, medications, and supplements, and outlines a plan to reverse the obesity that underlies most cases of Type II diabetes. Dr. Bernstein discusses breakthrough science and potential cures, and has added information on the new insulins and insulin pumps.

The only book to detail step-by-step methods for normalizing blood sugars in both Type I and Type II diabetes, DR. BERNSTEINS DIABETES SOLUTION will enable patients to take charge of their health and live longer, healthier lives.
Rate Points :4.5
Binding :Hardcover
Label :Little, Brown and Company
Manufacturer :Little, Brown and Company
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Little, Brown and Company
Publisher :Little, Brown and Company
EAN :9780316167161
Price :$29.99USD
Lowest Price :$16.48USD
Customer ReviewsA real answer for diabetics
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
I really like this book. I am a believer in low carb eating/lifestyle, am a diabetic, and devour books and research on related topics. I had come to believe that lower Blood Glucose (BG) readings are a definite result of a restricted carb diet before reading the book. But Dr. Bernstein put it in perspective by arguing for targeting specific BGs and eating and or medicating to achieve the target. It really does work. Moreover, it makes low carb eating much more meaningful because the results are right there for your immediate review on the test strip. You dont have to wait for the results to show up on the scale.

Many have argued that this regimen is too restrictive. How can this be? We are talking personal health here. Over the past 75 days, I have managed my fasting BG under 100, have lost weight , feel excellent and all of my blood work is excellent. This after several years of erratic BG and ever worsening blood work while following ADA guidelines. This book should be a must read for every diabetic and treating physician. It may not work for everyone but it sure works for me.

Diabetes Solution
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
This book was amazing. I found it when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes years ago. Dr. Bernstein has a somewhat radical idea that instead of letting blood sugar peak and then pull it back down with meds or insulin is dangerous long term. His idea of controlling and achieving normal blood sugar levels by controlling diet is very good. I have been able to control mine for a number of years, my A1C is 5.3, and excellent value. My doctor got this book after I explained the ideas contained and he agrees with the plan Dr. Bernstein promotes here.
Finally, control over diabetes
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
I was in a quandry trying to stablize my Type 2 diabetic blood glucose. The answer was simple in its concept, but difficult in its execution. Stay clear of carbohydrates. This book takes each aspect of diabetes control apart and explains the reasoning behind the methods. From simple diet and exercise to intensive insulin therapy, Dr. Bernsteins book looks at each method of treatment and backs it up with thorough research. My blood surgar is now near normal, and once more under control.
Tough, Intensive but Effective . . . but Not Much Left to Eat
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :3
Dr. Bernsteins book will result in lowering your blood glucose level. However, it is extremely difficult to follow -- he recommends only 6 grams of carbs for breakfast, and 12 grams for lunch and dinner, no fruits of any kind, only a few slices of lettuce & avocado. Absolutely no grains or cereals or pasta or bread of any kind. So basically, if you follow his strict diet, youll be eating lean protein with 1/2 cup of broccoli or lettuce, and 2 nuts. Is that possible? Maybe, if youre a zealot with no human cravings for rice or bread or pasta EVER.

I found a lot of useful information in this book though, such as his exercising program -- he states aerobic exercises are of no value to diabetics, which I found very revolutionary. Instead, he recommends resistance anaerobic training, inverse-pyramid method. I have tried this exercise out, and sure enough, it is a lot more difficult than walking or running for 30 minutes. But it does appear to build more muscle.

I felt depressed rather than hopeful after reading this book. To not be able to ever eat an apple or a piece of fruit is depressing. I can deal with not having a pie, cake, chocolate or cookies. But to snack on a sugar-free Jello with 1 tablespoon of whip cream for the rest of my life surely sucks and makes me wish for a cure instead of having to follow this impossible low-carb diet.

Read this book for what its worth -- it has very good information & a personally inspiring story but I am not sure if youll feel very hopeful after reading it in terms of managing your diabetes for the rest of your life.
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
Just followed Dr. Bernsteins suggestions. Within a week my blood sugars reduced dramatically from 300 level ( fasting and postprandial) to 150 and I escaped from inevitable Lantus/insulin prescription. Within a month, my blood sugars have come down even further to 80 after excercise to an high of 150 to 170 postprandial.I may even have to reduce dosage of my twice a day Janumet and once a day actos.
The low carb diet is an excellent remedy for Type 2 diabetics.
I strongly advise all Type 2 diabetics to try sincerely Dr. Bernsteins
solution as any one can get the same results within weeks at no cost. I owe a lot to Dr. Bernestein and I thank him from bottom of my heart for sharing his experience and advice through his Book in a very clear and lucid manner.
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