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Prilosec OTC Acid Reducer, Delayed-Release Tablets - 42 Ea

Prilosec OTC Acid Reducer, Delayed-Release Tablets - 42 ea

Product Description

Prilosec OTC is different from other over-the-counter heartburn medication. The lining of your stomach produces acid through millions of tiny acid pumps. When you eat, these pumps switch on to produce the acid that breaks down food. Prilosec OTC works by directly blocking many active pumps. Your stomach still produces enough acid to digest the food you eat. But by reducing the acid, Prilosec OTC lessens the chance that you will suffer from frequent heartburn. Prilosec OTC directly shuts down many active pumps and each daily dose works up to 24 hours. Use as directed as part of a 14-day course of therapy.
Rate Points :4.5
Binding :Health and Beauty
Brand :Prilosec
Label :Prilosec
Manufacturer :Prilosec
ProductGroup :Health and Beauty
Studio :Prilosec
Publisher :Prilosec
UPC :037000359074
EAN :0037000359074
Price :$29.99USD
Lowest Price :$24.99USD
  • Targets acid production by directly shutting down many active acid pumps a single pill works for up to 24 hours
  • Delayed-release acid-reducing tablets for treating frequent heartburn
  • One package of 42-count acid reducer delayed release tablets
  • Not intended for immediate relief may take 1 to 4 days for full effect
  • Designed for heartburn that occurs two or more days per week

  • Customer ReviewsWorks but not without bad side effects
    Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :0
    I have really bad acid reflux, and this works very well for it, but the side effects are almost not worth the benefits.

    Ever since Ive been taking Prilosec OTC, Ive experienced extreme weight gain that I cannot lose, excessive uncomfortable gas and bloating almost constantly, and a generally upset stomach.

    I tried to stop using Prilosec for a few weeks and the symptoms went away. I felt so much better, no gas or bloating, my stomach felt great, and I started to lose weight. Unfortunately the acid reflux was too unbearable so I had to return to Prilosec, and the symptoms came back immediately and I gained the back weight I lost plus some.

    My experience has been verified by many other people on Prilosec who went through the same thing. I cant wait to find something that works as an alternative.
    Its a better life with the use of prilosec
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    I use to, like many, wake up in the middle night grabbing my chest in pain, not being able to sleep. I started taking this and life is better. This is going to sound foolishly irresponsible, but now, I eat whatever I want and still be fine when Im sleeping. Whatever parts of my body (and figure) may be deteriorating but as far as heartburn goes, i dont feel a thing.

    Ive been taking this for over 2 years now. I know the box says you should stop after a few weeks, but I have no plans for that (and my doctor said it was fine). It does take a few days, like the box says for the medicine to work.

    I have gradually tried to go to a cheaper generic version of the prilosec (the back of the box list the same thing!) but for some reason, whether it is illogical or psychological, i feel that the prilosec brand is by far the best and worth the extra money. My suggestion is the check out ebay where you can get it for about 2/3 of the listed price here on amazon or your local store.

    One of thing, if this applies to you - there seems to be some sort of coating the the prilosec pills. With the generic ones, i can taste the chalking of it, meaning it starts to break up once you put it in your mouth, leaving you with that nasty taste until you grab your cup of water. But the prilosec, it is dry and you have a few seconds to sallow.

    Great for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease (LPR) too!
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    This drug has done wonders in getting me through a bad bout of laryngopharyngeal reflux disorder--in which the typical symptoms of heartburn arent recognizable. A much needed and very effective, as well as easy to take, drug that has no side effects!
    An OTC lifesaver for expensive medicine!!
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    Ive used this for years as an alternative to the expensive prescription AR reducers. It is awesome!
    Know the difference between PPIs, H2 blockers and Antacids
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    Prilosec is the oldest of the Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) on the market. So, it has a loooooong history, and to my knowledge a safe history. As for me, I take comfort in a drug that has a long safe history, and that is why I like Prilosec. Also, for me, the side effects occurred in the first few days, but then wore off. I still have minor gas problems, but there may be an anti-gas OTC drug available for that, I dont know yet. One thing I learned is that it is helpful to know the differences between an Antacid (e..g. Tums, Rolaids, etc.), a PPI (e.g. Prilosec, the actual drug name being "omeprazolel") and an H2 blocker (e.g. Pepcid, the actual drug name being "famotidine"). All three work differently from each other and have different side effects. A pharmacist or your doctor should be able to tell you the differences. All I know is that an antacid is simply a huge dose of calcium carbonate that works immediately to reduce the acid already in the stomach. That is why you feel immediate relief, albeit one which lasts only one or two hours and come 4 am you feel the bottom of your esophagus on fire again. PPIs and H2 blockers instead go through your bloodstream and eventually (that is why it takes much more time than an antacid) alter the acid producing mechanisms (pumps?) in your stomach. I have Barretts Esophagus (loosely defined as a more advanced condition of GERD), and my understanding is that PPIs are better for this condition. The point is, if you know more about your condition and the differences between Antacids, PPIs and H2 blockers, you will save yourself an immense amount of trouble and time. For example, if you find a PPI such as Prilosec aint working for you, then it will probably be the case that other PPIs are not going to work for you either, since their base chemical formulation works in a similar way. Ergo, switch to an H2 blocker and see what happens. If both PPIs and H2 blockers give you unbearable side effects, then you probably have to go through the entire laundry list of PPIs and H2 blockers out there. Good luck.

